Mockup 360 has launched

Posted by Unknown Senin, 15 Juli 2013 0 komentar
Another new cloud offering from Autodesk, specifically tailored for manufacturing.  Links and details below.

Mockup 360™ has now publically launched and is available for a limited time as a Free, 90-day trial. 

To get started you can download the new client from here.

Quick Start Video
Watch this introduction to Mockup 360 that will show you how to get your data in, and start collaborating in no time.

Join the Community
Get answers and share knowledge on the Mockup 360 Community Forum.

Mockup 360 offers:
  • Open collaboration for manufacturing workflows
  • Large-scale 3D aggregation
  • Powerful clash analysis and fast setup
  • Full use of Mockup 360 for 90 days
  • No credit card required
Judul: Mockup 360 has launched
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