Copying Point Clouds between Local Drives

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
Typically, large point clouds are stored on local hard drives.  Revit allows for this with the Options - "Root path for point clouds" setting.

Here is an easy way to copy them:

Use Robocopy. (Should be located in C:\Windows\System32)

Make a BAT file that looks something like this:
robocopy C:\Projects\PointClouds\ \\OTHER_PC_NAME\PointClouds(shared folder) *.RCS *.RCP /MIR /COPY:DAT /DCOPY:T /ZB /LOG:C:\TEMP\logfile.log /R:2 /xn

This script was used to copy only RCP and RCS files from my local hd to a shared drive on another users PC, so that we could both work with large point cloud files without clogging up the server with like 50gb of point data. Keep in mind you need to put these files in the same place relative to your Revit Options - Root Path for Point Clouds.

Additionally, if you have not previously been using the root folder for all your point clouds, you may have to re-link them to create the appropriate path associativity.
Judul: Copying Point Clouds between Local Drives
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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