How to make a Structural Column Room Bounding

Posted by Unknown Senin, 07 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
In almost every case, I prefer Structural Columns over architectural Columns in Revit.  However, the architectural versions can easily be made Room Bounding.  How do we do this for Structural Columns?

Change the "Material for Model Behaviour" property in Family Category and Parameters to be Concrete or Precast Concrete.

Strangely enough, changing back to Other after reloading this Family had no effect - I could not make it non-Room Bounding again...

EDIT: In the comments, Chris describes the behaviour of Structural Columns in the Project - "Deleting the columns and placing new columns with the material as "other" will make the space non-room bounding again."

See image:

Judul: How to make a Structural Column Room Bounding
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