Public Macro Repository for Revit

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
If you want to submit Revit API code and macros for public review and use, check out:

Now, we just need someone to make an API add-in that hooks into BitBucket (somehow), and downloads and installs macros automatically into the Revit session :-)  We would essentially have an unlimited store of easily accessible plugins in an open source repository ... cool, huh?

To submit code, you should login or register for Bitbucket, then send a message to:

Harry can give you write access.

Associated post:
A public Git repository for sharing Revit Macros at BitBucket | Boost Your BIM - making Revit even better

If you want to learn more about it and code sharing generally, check out
What is version control, and why should you care? | Boost Your BIM - making Revit even better

Judul: Public Macro Repository for Revit
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