Setting up access to the Open Source Macro Repository for Revit

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
You may want to know how to set up access to the public macro repository.  Here is a bit of a step by step:
  1. Install SourceTree
  2. Follow prompts to install additional packages
  3. Login to the BitBucket Page in a web browser (register if you haven't already)
  4. Click on the arrow and Check out in SourceTree
  5. Clone New -- Make sure the path is set exactly to this (make folders if you have to):
  6. After fetching, restart Revit.

Its important that it looks like this in SourceTree:
Upon restart, you should see the Public_2014 tree in your Macro Manager.

To ensure you have the latest version:
  1. Do a Fetch and Pull in SourceTree
  2. Edit one of the macros
  3. Do a Rebuild by hitting F8 - any new code or extra macros should now show up
(thanks to Troy Gates for above tip)

Note:  Make a sample macro and it will populate files and folders in:

You can also carefully follow the images at :
A public Git repository for sharing Revit Macros at BitBucket | Boost Your BIM - making Revit even better
Judul: Setting up access to the Open Source Macro Repository for Revit
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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